
SHIVA-SHAKTI: Tantric Massage for Couples Surrey and Hampshire

Tantric Massage and Ritual to Reinvigorate your Relationship

Awaken the Divine within Yourself and your Beloved

Take Intimacy to new levels with Couples’ Tantric Massage


SHIVA-SHAKTI: Tantric Massage for Couples Surrey and Hampshire

Tantric Massage and Ritual to Reinvigorate your Relationship

Awaken the Divine within Yourself and your Beloved

Take Intimacy to new levels with Couples’ Tantric Massage

Couples Tantric Massage Hampshire and Surrey

For couples who would like to expand their repertoire and explore the boundaries of their sexuality a little.

Tantric Massage Experience for Surrey & Hampshire Couples

Embody the divine power of the Hindu god Shiva and his consort Shakti. Experience ancient Tantric ritual and learn to use intimate Tantric massage to awaken the Shakti and Shiva within you. You will experience the divine within yourself and worship it in your beloved, you will learn how to use sexual energy and conscious, loving touch to nourish and heal each other. This offering is for couples who want to connect at a deeper level.

Couples Tantric Massage Hampshire

Couples Tantric Massage Surrey

Deep down buried beneath layers of social conditioning, years of pain and disconnect and the weariness of balancing the demands of everyday life lies your divine self, your goddess or god, your divine masculine or feminine. These parts of us ache to be explored, expressed and shared. Humans are souls having a physical human experience and a key part of that physical experience is our sexuality. We are deeply sexual beings but we have been disconnected from our true intimate, nourishing, compassionate, connected, loving, playful and curious sexuality. It wasn’t always this way, before ownership of land there was no need to own, control and warp human sexuality, but that, sadly, is where we are now.

It is my calling to reconnect you. To yourself and to each other. I do this through touch. We have so many different ways of experiencing the world, different love languages, various erotic blueprints…. so much difference. What we all have in common; men and women are bodies, and these bodies all respond to touch. Maybe not the same kind of touch, but everyone heals when they are touched and the best placed person in your life to share touch with is your partner.

Couples Tantric Massage Hampshire

Couple’s Tantric Massage Surrey

Tantric massage is more than touch. It is touch with knobs on if you will pardon the pun! Tantric massage is about awakening the divine in your partner and allowing for the divine to be awakened in you. You see her goddess, she knows your king, you long to honour each other and connect at this level. Sadly, our society has failed to teach you how. Maybe you have fallen into a dull routine, a rut in which you hide from each other, concealing disappointment and pain fueling a deep loneliness and disconnect from the most important person in your life. You miss each other but the way back is too vulnerable, too painful, or just too unknown. Or maybe you want to avoid this path with a new partner because you found it so painful before. Or maybe you have never experienced deep, intimate connection with your partner because you were busy with the material aspects of building a life together. Maybe you just want a different kind of sexy! Whatever the reason, you are here, you have stumbled across me. Welcome!

The Perfect Tantric Massage for Couples in Hampshire and Surrey

It is my honour to guide and teach you how to use Tantric practices and particularly massage to build and grow genuine, heart led, physical connection. To re-learn how to worship each other, to give and receive exquisite sexual pleasure and reconnect with each other as you reconnect with your own body. I am here to teach you how to heal each other with the magic that is in, and has always been in, your hands.

The goddess is there to be worshipped! The King is there to adore his Queen. You are healed, you are whole and you are magnificent.

SHIVA-SHAKTI – Tantric Ritual and Massage for Couples
Price on Application

I am happy to work with couples over a series of sessions. Please contact me to discuss how this may be of help to you.

My Shiva-Shakti – Tantric Massage for Couples Testimonials

“We were looking for an experienced tantric guide to give us some new ideas. Anabelle was the ideal guide – thoughtful and full of fun. We now discuss sex in a much more comfortable and natural way.”

My recommended reads for couples:

Women’s Anatomy of Arousal – Sheri Winston

Lingam Massage – Michaela Riedl

Yoni Massage, Awakening Female Sexual Energy  – Michaela Riedl

Tantric Orgasm for Women – Diana Richardson

Tantric Sex for Men, Making love a Meditation – Diana Richardson

Bondassage – Jaeleen Bennis – Eve Minax 

Come As You Are – Emily Nagoski

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